Hello Darlings, I love a good snack. I could spend all day snacking. Some days I do. Whilst that may not have benefited my waistline, it does mean that I have tried many delightful (and not so wonderful) treats. Recently I began to try eating food that is beneficial to my body and mind. A few years ago, I worked out that cutting...
Hello Darlings. So, I lack motivation and willpower. So much. I can never say no to a treat for long and rarely force myself to do things I can't be bothered with. Sometimes I even struggle with doing things I want because I lack the energy required. I have so many terrible habits that I beat myself up for and it doesn't help....
Hello Darlings, As part of my new years resolutions this year, I am going to be learning self-care. I have never been that kind to myself and last year was so abhorrent in that regard (and many others) that I have decided to make a change. I want to eat food that makes me happy and is good for my body. I want...