A New Year with a Plan...


Hello Darlings, 

As part of my new years resolutions this year, I am going to be learning self-care. 

I have never been that kind to myself and last year was so abhorrent in that regard (and many others) that I have decided to make a change.

I want to eat food that makes me happy and is good for my body. I want it to help my body function at it's best.

I need to exercise my body. I NEED for it to bend and stretch and jump and run without the limitations that I have at my current level of fitness.

This isn't about weight-loss or trying to fit into society's view of beauty, it is about me learning to look after the body I've got. 

I am also going to be working on my mental health. Going to the Doctor's in December for my anxiety was step one. 

Here's to hoping for a better year. 

P.S. I can also recommend watching kissmyfrog's video on YouTube about this. She explains it so much better than I did. 

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